Bo Gets Real with 19Lou

Mandy Bo Gets Real
Written by Lara Ashley
Talented, humble, and a sweetheart?! Seems like the perfect country singer!
Mandy Bo is a Country West n’ Bass singer with a lot going for her! The CP24 Breakfast Television
calls her “sultry” “hot” and “cool”, and you’ll see why!
Originally from Windsor, Ont., the bold singer made the move to Toronto at 17 years old, and
followed her dreams. Now with several singles under her belt, working on an album, I was able to
catch up with the busybody and was able to dig deep with the singer.
< Who is your inspiration?
<My greatest inspiration musically is Johnny Cash. His story telling
abilities combined with so much emotion, wit, humour and vulnerability
have always captivated me. Otherwise, I get inspiration from everyone
in my life…people surprise and touch my heart in these little ways
every day.
> Did you always want to be a singer? What did you want to be when you
grew up?
>Yes…always. When I was just knee high to a grasshopper the teachers
in school would ask everyone what they wanted to be I would raise my
hand and say, “A singer!”. Of course, they told me to pick something
more realistic. Obviously, I didn’t listen.
> I love the song Lullaby! I think it’s something that every girl can
relate to. Were you singing from experience? Were in love like that before?
>I’m so glad you like it! Funny enough, that song is actually about a
breakup. I wrote it at the same time as Standoff and so it shows two
very different sides of the same situation; there’s one side that says,
“I miss you”, while the other is very angry and hurt. It does come from
a real life experience and at the time I truly thought I was in love.
> What project are you working on now? What can your fans expect from
>I am currently working with award winning producer Mark Zubek on our
second track together. We just put out Pay the Price and I am due to
finish recording The Other Side in a couple weeks. It is my favourite
song that I have written so far and I absolutely cannot wait for
everyone to hear it. It is much more blue grass with banjo and
harmonica, while keeping the drum and bass underneath it all. Very
cool! The vocals are kind of bluegrass soul! I’m very very excited
about it.
> I love how you have a blog where you talk to your fans about your
personal experience. Why did you decide to do this?
>You see a lot of big artist who just seem to appear out of nowhere all
of a sudden. I wanted to share the struggles and triumphs of the
journey with my family, friends and fans so that they can be a part of
it all because they are what makes all of this worth while. I love being
able to truly connect with them.
> Please talk about your experience working on the film “Saving
>It was absolutely amazing. The cast, crew and producers and directors
were just the most incredible bunch of people. It is so great to be
surrounded by creative and passionate people like that. It was also
extremely challenging for me personally because I have a hard time
expressing my emotions other than in my music and so I really had to
push myself and dig deep; I had to show a vulnerability that I had never
tapped into up to that point. I felt like I truly grew as a person and
an artist from that experience. We worked very hard day and night to
produce that film and it was extremely rewarding and fulfilling.
Although, I can’t watch it now. I have a very hard time seeing myself on
> How has your mother’s disease kept you going? I know it must be a
hard thing to go through while traveling and doing shows but how do
you manage?
>I feel that her story is very much one of strength and about the human
spirit being able to endure anything. It gives me perspective on life
and courage. I am so happy that I am able to bring light to her
situation and use her story in a positive way to give people hope.
It has definitely helped me grow to be a more compassionate and
understanding person; I hope it encourages other people in the same way.
Mostly, it has taught me not to take anything for granted and to
appreciate every moment. That in itself is a true gift, I believe. I
wouldn’t be the person I am today without her.
> What message are you trying to tell your fans and to everyone who
listens to your music?
>Don’t be afraid to be yourself and to follow your dreams (I know it
sounds cliche, but it is true). Your heart will always tell you what the
right path is, you just have to have the courage to listen..and that’s
not easy to do. The world is so full of noise and heartache, but that
is all just part of the journey. If you really believe in what you are
doing, you can not let these things take you off course from your true
passions or discourage you. The struggles should only make you stronger
because I can tell you from experience, it is absolutely worth it.
Sometimes, the best students get the hardest tests.
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